Wee Waa Website Servicing the Community Since 1998

Wee Waa Directory

If you own a business and would like to be in this business directory Please forward your logo and information and some images to Email

Cost is a one off fee of $66 including GST.  Any changes after initial approved listing will be charged at $66 an hour.

A Free Listing is Name, Address and telephone number.

Your listing here will also appear in the larger Namoi Business Directory.

Petonna Services

Boggabri Business

Kate 0 9376 Article rating: No rating

Petonna Services
138 Merton Street
Boggabri   NSW   2382
0428 434450

Petonna Services, previously operating as Pete Brien Roofing and Plumbing, has been servicing and maintaining households and Mining, Commercial & Industrial businesses in the Boggabri community for over 13 years.